The forum to the IAR (Infinite Anime Room), the infamous Meebo role playing room, here you will find the same type of people, only for those of you who are more suited for a Para type role play.
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- Registration Agreement Terms

Forum Terms of service

Using the forum. By registering on this forum, you agree to use it properly, and to refrain from posting any content that is aggressive, offensive, defamatory, hateful, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to post messages inciting or evoking illegal practices, or violating the terms of use of the service.

The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

Your personal data. By registering on this forum, you agree that it may collect some of your personal data. This data collection is done either through the information you provide us, or through the use of the services itself, for technical data used for the forum proper functioning. You can access, modify or delete your data at any time. Users under 16 years old certify that they have obtained the consent of their legal guardian in order to proceed with this registration. For more information, please read our privacy policy.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.


I doubt that I will find a soul out there that loves to adhere to any set of rules but as the internet does not belong to any one person, I do ask that we all remain considerate to the following guidelines. They are more to keep everyone happy and to keep things running smoothly than they are to tie anyone down. If there are any complaints or objections, you are hereby encouraged to drop a line.
- Amaya Sumiko.

Infinite Anime Realm's General Forum Guidelines and Rules.

A. Conduct/ Behavior.

1. Bigotry.

Religious or political arguments, racial slurs, and other offensive commentary are prohibited and will NOT be tolerated. Users are expected to cease this behavior upon one request.

a. This may be under Moderator's discretion : If found to be purely humorous and if no one is offended, consequences MAY not be dealt.

b. Any threads found to contain too much of this content are likely to be deleted.

c. Any users found to persistently engage in this sort of behavior will recieve four warnings. If the user persists, they may find that their account has been deleted.

2. Sexual RP Threads.

Users are encouraged to keep sexually based RPs private.

Many of the patrons of the Infinite Anime Realm forum are under the age of eighteen.

With that in mind, if any user insists on including sexual content in a public RP thread, they are expected to keep said content at a PG-13 level.

Explicit content [ e.g. public cybering ] is prohibited in the forum.

a. Any threads found to contain too much of this content are likely to be deleted.

b. Any users found to persistently engage in this sort of behavior will recieve four warnings. If the user persists, they may find that their account has been deleted.

3. Spamming.

While it seems difficult to Spam a forum, it is still possible.

Users are expected to be careful as to how many of the same post they post on the forum.

Multiple identical posts are subject to automatic deleting, with of course one exempt from said action.

4. Multiple Characters.

Users are expected to behave in a reasonable manner when it comes to their characters.

It is not a moderators job to intervene in personal affairs.

However, the act of anyone using multiple accounts without letting any Mods know will not be tolerated.

Reasons for this : After certain incidents in the pasts, the Mods understand the hassle that inevitably comes from this devious behavior.

Therefore, users are expected to provide information concering themselves and their connection to each account.

Any user discovered to have not complied with this request will recieve two warnings. If the behavior persists, their accounts will be deleted one by one until the user finally complies or is out of accounts.

5. Technicalities.

Users are asked to keep threads in the appropriate sections of the forum.

In the event that a user cannot find something they've posted, they are hereby asked to please search the other areas of the forum before assuming their posts have been deleted.

6. The Blame Game.

Users are expected to understand that the expressed opinions of any patrons do not reflect the opinions of the moderators, administrators, or IAR staff.

Moderators will do their best to keep the forum running both cleanly and smoothly.